Testimonials :
Our Mission:
The mission of Community Christian School is to equip students to walk in truth, embrace excellence, and impact the world for Christ.

Why Private Christian Schooling ?

- We provide a biblical worldview and foundation for your child.
- Students learn how to defend their faith and share the gospel with others.
- A low student-to-teacher ratio ensures students have more one on one attention in their classes and opportunity for advanced learning.
- More supportive family involvement
- Christian education reinforces the strong character values that will help your child succeed in all areas of life.
- Tight-knit & long-lasting relationships
Scholastic Opportunities .
- Dual Credit classes give students a head start on college credits.
- National Junior Honor Society & National Honor Society
- Dave Ramsey financial class
- Sophomores take a “Study Skills for College Success” course which helps them prepare for the SAT/ACT/TSI

Athletic Opportunities .

Sports are available from 5th grade and up!
- Cross Country
- Volleyball
- Basketball
- Tennis
- Track & Field
- Golf
Fine Arts Opportunities .
We believe in helping our students develop their various skills & currently provide a way to do that with:
- Worship Band
- Art
- Student Leadership Institute (SLI)
- Theatre Arts
- Graphic Design
- Photography

Core Values :

The core values of Community Christian School are as follows:
- The Bible is taught as the inerrant Word of God and has the power to change lives.
- The leadership, faculty, and staff of Community Christian School must be born again Christians.
- Every aspect of education at Community Christian School is based on the truth as revealed in God’s Word.
- Community Christian School strives to provide learning experiences that will engage students to their full potential in Christ.
- The organizational principles and practices of Community Christian School are Biblical.
- Community Christian School partners with parents to establish life goals based on sound Biblical principles and lead their children toward a disciplined life in Christ.